A downloadable game

These Static PDFs are Character Sheet supplements for the Suited game system. It contains three blank character sheets that can be filled out and used for any Suited Playset genre that your group wishes to play. 

The rules for suited are available for free in Suited: Free Sample Edition!, a tabletop rpg quickstart for the Suited game system now on DriveThruRPG.

Suited is an adaptable game system that can be used to play any genre you want with as little as a single deck of playing cards. Rules-light with only a moderate amount of crunch, Suited is easy for new players to pick up and learn, while having just enough rules for those people that enjoy having mechanics to play with. 

Each of the genre playset comes with tables for random character creation and world generation, as well as a quickstart adventure fill-in-the-blank forms for getting the rough outlines of a one shot game designed.


Character sheets (printable).pdf 1 MB
Suited: Fan-made Character Sheet 428 kB

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